Northmill strengthening its position in Finland

Northmill was awarded both “Growth Company 2019” and “Achiever 2019” by the leading Finnish business media Kauppalehti. It was the third time in a row Northmill was named “Achiever”, and the first time the company received the “Growth Company” award. The awards reflect Northmill’s overall growth journey and the value delivered to our 200 000 customers.
“We are proud to receive these awards,'' said Ville Kymäläinen, Country Manager in Finland. “We have a fantastic team and we keep attracting top talent across all functions. That is really a key to success in combination with our tech-driven approach, which enables us to develop products that are easy to understand and add true value to our customers.”
Northmill in Finland has, with a team of 18 employees, managed to grow revenues with 34 percent to total 14.0 million Euro in 2018, with strong top-line growth and solid Earnings Before Tax (EBT) margin of circa 34 percent. That was more than enough in order to fulfil all criteria of Kauppalehti's "Growth Company" award.
The criteria for the award were:
At least four full fiscal years as an active company.
Has increased its turnover significantly during the last three financial years.
Grown at least 10 percent faster than their peers three years in a row.
Had at least EUR 0.5 million in revenue over the past year.
“These awards strengthen us in our vision and long-term strategy to change finance as we know it through technology, and we will continue to challenge the traditional players by being curious and data-driven, with a long-term and scalable business model that is very cost-effective,” said Hikmet Ego, CEO and Co-founder at Northmill.
Northmill plans to launch additional products in Finland during 2019, that will establish the company’s position as a leading fintech company and play a crucial role in its continued growth journey.