Historical Northcon 2019

Summarised by our CEO Hikmet Ego:
This year’s Northcon became a special conference for Northmill. It was the fifth consecutive year when all Northmillians gathered for a conference – and as always, it was a fantastic opportunity to get together and meet colleagues from Northmill’s Swedish, Finnish and Polish teams. On top of that, this year Northmillians from all three countries got to celebrate Northmill’s banking license. Destination for this year’s Northcon was Poland, and it became three days of inspiring keynotes and team building activities in beautiful Sopot.
Just ahead of leaving for Northcon we were reached by the stunning news that our application to conduct banking services had been approved by SFSA. I am very much looking forward to our new journey as a tech bank and the great opportunities that arise with the license. To be granted a Swedish banking license means a great responsibility. At the same time it gives us the tools to reach the next step and drive a positive change for our customers. Even though we are convinced that we can now compete with the leading neobanks, we will keep following our path and listen to our customers in order to simplify everyone’s financial life.
During the keynotes and presentations Northmill’s CTO Joakim Adolfson enlightened us on how to build a cloud-only IT-organisation that can handle hypergrowth. In addition, our product owner for Rebilla, Babel Poli, described in detail why Rebilla Reduce probably is the hottest product on the market at the moment. Many more speakers gilded our conference days with challenging and inspiring questions and cool and innovative ideas. Especially in our very own version of Dragons Den we got to hear several inspiring ideas. The winning team’s new exciting feature will most likely end up in a product update that will be available for over 200,000 customers very soon!
It is truly fantastic to witness Northmill’s growth and it is our Northmillians that have made it all possible. Now a new chapter opens for Northmill as Europe’s newest tech bank. In practice this means that we can nurture our innovation and design to develop even better products for our customers.
Northmill is a company that has had great visions since day one, and today we are active on three markets, have 124 employees with over 50 percent of them working with IT. We are still in a phase of growth and continue to attract high-level talents to the company, which we are very happy for. And just as the “R” in our core values CRAFT stands for, we will continue to be relentless in our quest to make it easier for people to save and manage their personal finances, and we will use the newest and best technology to do it. It will be so much fun!